Policies & Procedures

Transportation to and from school is the responsibility of the students and their parents or guardians.  School provided transportation is a privilege, not a right.

The Education Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E2 c.190 permits a Board to provide student transportation, but does not obligate it to do so.  Transportation is a privilege extended to qualifying day school registered students by a Board and may be revoked as a result of student conduct.

Transportation is administered to students in Windsor and Essex County by the Service de transports des élèves- Windsor Essex Student Transportation Services (WESTS), which is a consortium formed by the Greater Essex County District School Board, Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board, Conseil scolaire Providence and Conseil scolaire Viamonde. The consortium administers the transportation within the policies set by the boards with respect to eligibility, walking distance, program initiatives and boundaries.

WESTS has established procedures to ensure that school transportation services are at all times reliable, safe, equitable and operating within the transportation policies that have been set by the each of the member boards.

The following policies have been provided in the Adobe Acrobat format.
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Roles & Responsibilities

Service Delivery

Student Safety

Accessible Transportation

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